It's been a hard year for triathletes.
Racing was put on hold. We "swam" with stretch cords on dry land. Our motivation sometimes ebbed more than it flowed.
We missed the community and challenge of racing.
Maybe you're super pumped to finally be racing again or feeling a mild (or not-so-mild) sense of panic because the first race is on the calendar and you have no idea if you are ready.
Either way, it's an exciting new beginning for triathlon. We have an opportunity to start fresh. Remember why we love our sport. Commit to new goals or get back on track.
It's time to LEVEL UP.
We'd like you to imagine what it's going to feel like to step onto that start line again after the year we've had and everything we've been through.
Our guess it that it's going to feel pretty damn special.
Introducing Level Up: A Women's Triathlon Summit
Join the Summit to:
- learn from experts specializing in women's triathlon training, nutrition, mindset and physiology
- hear from women making a difference in the triathlon space and how you can be a change maker.
- connect with sponsors dedicated to supporting women
- meet with a like-minded feisty community.
Sign up for the Feisty Team and get free access to the Level Up Summit.
What you'll gain:

Optimize your performance
Learn how to optimize your training, nutrition and mindset based on your unique physiology.

Be a changemaker
Hear from women in leadership on the current state of triathlon and how we can create a better future for all.

Get motivated to race
Connect with other feisty athletes to get excited and motivated towards your big triathlon goals.
Get access to the Level Up Summit for free when you sign up for the Feisty Team

Join nowThe Feisty Team is a monthly membership program where you can learn from experts, participate in fun & motivating challenges for prizes and connect with a like-minded feisty community.
Level Up Schedule
Tuesday May 18 2021

Bringing Feisty Back: A return to racing
Victoria Brumfield (hosted by Jamila Gale-Agans)
Tuesday May 18 4:00-5:00 pm PT

A New Era of Triathlon: Train like a woman
Miranda Bush (Hosted by Sarah True & Sara Gross)
Tuesday May 18 5:15-6:00 pm PT

Happy Hour
Hosted by the Feisty Triathlon Team
Tuesday May 18 6:00 - 6:30pm PT
Connect with other feisties, check out the expo all while sipping feisty cocktails in the comfort of your own home.
Wednesday May 19 2021

Level Up your Nutrition Game
Dina Griffin, MS, RDN, CSSD, CISSN
Wednesday May 19 4:00-5:00 pm PT

Momentum: How Endurance Sport Can Maintain Inclusion Energy
Dr Shaunna Payne Gold & Dr Lisa Ingarfield
Wednesday May 19 5:15 -6:00pm PT

Happy Hour
Hosted by the Feisty Triathlon Team
Wednesday May 19 6:00 - 6:30pm PT
Connect with other feisties, check out the expo all while sipping feisty cocktails in the comfort of your own home.
Thursday May 20 2021

The Future is Feisty: Women's Triathlon in 2021
Sika Henry, Kelly O'Mara & Eva Solomon (Hosted by Haley Chura & Alyssa Godesky)
Thursday May 20 4:00-5:00 pm PT

After Party
Hosted by the Feisty Triathlon Team
Thursday May 20 5:00 - 5:30pm PT
Join us in the Feisty Team expo both for some fun & dance tutorials!
Speakers & Experts

Sika Henry

Victoria Brumfield

Haley Chura

Dr Shaunna Payne Gold

Kelly O'Mara

Alyssa Godesky

Sarah True

Dr Lisa Ingarfield

Jamila Gale-Agans

Dina Griffin

Miranda Bush

Eva Solomon

Dr Sara Gross